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Product Culture Maturity Quiz


The Product Culture Maturity Model evaluates your company's product culture maturity by determining its current maturity out of 5 stages.
This 10 minute quiz contains questions about your company's approaches to different aspects of product culture:

👉 Operating principles

👉 Innovation level

👉 Strategic Context

👉 Practices and processes

👉 People & Structure

👉 Outcomes delivery

👉 Consistency

Based on your answers, it will give you an estimate of your company's product culture maturity and some useful information on how to progress to the next stage.

This assessment is based on the content published on


Working in a big company with different product development methods between departments? 
Focus on what's happening in your own team, instead of trying to keep up with the whole organization. 
Don't know all the answers to the questions? 
It's okay. Choose the best option based on your understanding.